Trick or Treat

Ansis Butnors

October 18 – November 4, 2017

Ansis Butnors has studied in Art Academy of Latvia and also he is a member of Latvian Artists’ Union. Currently living and working in Saulkrasti. The artist is painting in oil technique, creating layers and varying with different possibilities of this technique. The composition for the artist is very important, as well as arranging a mess and chaos by his own certain order, frequently putting the human image in the center, which is often his own self-portrait.

“The exhibition is about me. I can not be detached from my paintings, ideas. My paintings are not image of surrounding, but my emotional state of mind. I’m scared, guilty, feeling regrets, etc. I don't know when Im happy, or when I feel any other positive emotions, because I don't work with them. I work with negative emotions, and as time when Im happy, I paint. Therefore, the exhibition is called “Trick or Treat”, because there are always negative emotions and positive ones. If I will deal with the negative emotions as good and as much as possible, then I can expect to come to good ones. But it may also be different – happiness and suddenly the anger takes it over. There may be several reasons for it. Both automatic thoughts and other people, etc. As it can be seen, the exhibition is rather a psychological self cross-section. And it is important, while painting, to grasp a feeling that Im one whole – good and bad emotions.”
Ansis Butnors