Inese Verina-Lubina

August 2 – September 1, 2018

I had a recurrent dream in which I would fall helplessly into a blue and silent abysm: the depth of strange waters ruled by dazzling anguish. Sorrows would flow through the infinite blueness in shape of mythological creeps, failed actors, unrecognised poets, shameless lovers and unloved girls. In this abysm the anguish temptingly glimmers and invites us to languish within it. If I have enough breath for few moments to observe this strange underworld – it’ll be complete, incredibly complex and absolutely alien. I’ll be grabbing the air desperately as soon as I come to the surface, but moments later I’ll risk everything and dive again.

Like in Albert Camus’ story “The Myth of Sisyphus” he is quoted as saying “In the heart of all beauty, lies something inhuman”. This world is foreign and hostile. Perhaps I’ll come to desire what suddenly leaves me so alone – and I’ll continue to rejoice in my ignorance and bewilderment as I dive into unknown waters over & over again.

“Abysm” is a series of Paintings by Inese Verina-Lubina. They are the result of work made during 2017/2018. The paintings are designed as abstract landscapes made in a variety of mediums and methods – these include; layering natural and synthetic pigments, textural pastes, metal leaf and varnishes.